galerie foto

Orteza bilaterala tetrapareza spastica

  • Tanar cu tetrapareza spastica instabil 
  • Orteza bilaterala pentru stabilitate si
  • imbunatatirea functiei de mers
  • picior in echin se intervine cu materiale
  • de completare pentru reglarea asezari si
  • confortului in orteze
  • pentru mai multa stabilitate sa practicat si un
  • sprijin rotulian
  • capitonaj confortabil

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Ciorap protectie apa !

Ciorapi de baie din material elastic ,impermeabil usor de imbracat.

Pot fii utilizati pe marimi mai mari decat mana si piciorul

Atat pentru utilizatorul de proteza cat si pentru cel care este purtatorul unui banadaj

gipsat sau negipsat

Indispensabil pentru pentru cel ce doreste sa intre in bazinul cu apa strand, ,piscina, dus,cada,asigura o protectie si o etanseitate foarte buna

ca sa nu mai vorbim de cel ce doreste sa mearga la mare

Libertatea de miscare asigurata de ciorapul de baie cu vacuum .


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galerie foto VIDEO Probe de mers
VIDEO Probe de mers cu carje

Knee ankle-foot orthosis

  • Knee ankle-foot orthosis made by thermoformed polyethylene molding wich copies anatomical forms of limb,the structure is made by supporting elements like metal rods ,mobile fix joints ,connection elements that  move the knee or ankle joints.
  • For construction is use interface elements wich can be made of different antimicrobial materials,hygienic and friendly to human skin .
  • Always orthosis can be placed in normal shoes or depending on the patient condition it can be made orthopedic shoes and even some very large shortening.

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Hip knee ankle foot orthosis

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galerie foto VIDEO Orteza de genunchi glezna picior PROBE FINALE

Knee ankle-foot orthosis

  • Knee ankle foot orthosis made of acrylic solution and carbon fiber with a comfortable antimicrobial interface , eccentric knee joint that makes the knee joint stability.For safety are used anou(rings) and are completed by tapes seized.

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galerie foto VIDEO Probe de mers

Knee ankle-foot orthosis

  • Knee ankle foot orthosis made of acrylic solution after the mold configuration taken after the patient it have in the structure metalic rail inserted in plastic with an automatic joint  for block or unblock ,with antimicrobial  interface elements and elements for safty ,plastic anou and tapes seized wich are fised at the superior and inferior .Can be inserted in regular shoes.

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