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Ciorap protectie apa !

Ciorapi de baie din material elastic ,impermeabil usor de imbracat.

Pot fii utilizati pe marimi mai mari decat mana si piciorul

Atat pentru utilizatorul de proteza cat si pentru cel care este purtatorul unui banadaj

gipsat sau negipsat

Indispensabil pentru pentru cel ce doreste sa intre in bazinul cu apa strand, ,piscina, dus,cada,asigura o protectie si o etanseitate foarte buna

ca sa nu mai vorbim de cel ce doreste sa mearga la mare

Libertatea de miscare asigurata de ciorapul de baie cu vacuum .


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Hip knee ankle foot orthosis carbon

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galerie foto VIDEO Orteza de sold genunghi glezna picior

Knee ankle-foot orthosis

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Orteze de Sold Genunghi Glezna Picior

Knee ankle foot hip orthosis

  • Is made by thermoformed plastic or carbon fiber;
  • Metal side rails hinged with partial mobile joint (fixed in walking ,mobile by raising the obstacle at settlement;
  • Velcro closeing;
  • It supports the ladder on the ground or is attached to the shoe heep;
  • Dowloading supportive member ischiadicus-ground-tuber;
  • Requires lifting shoe on the other limb.

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galerie foto VIDEO Orteza de sold genunchi glezna picior

Knee ankle foot hip orthosis

  • Knee ankle foot hip orthosis with a carbon fiber structure ,for  define the knee and ankle joints is use metal structures wich are helping the knee ang ankle mobility.The ankle is mobile and dynamic just the knee joint is attached on  a metalic ring that secures the knee joint at walking ;
  • The structure complete the diseases foot and give walking function;
  • For the orthosis cosmetics were used lightweight materials and leather.The body connection is completed  by leather belts and tape .

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